Sunday, February 10, 2013

... tarzan and jane in HK Disneyland ... 'D

        Off to what they famously called Tarzan Tree house,  from the name itself i guess you will know its the place where the famous Tarzan and Jane lives.. .We rode this boat along with other tourists and  a guide of course to help us with our journey in this man made forest. We went straight ahead and found elephants, giraffes,crocodiles, gorillas and some native people (everything is man made but definitely  looks like a real one). Then we reach this area where we found the man made volcano (that looks like a real one by the way). The boat stopped, it started shaking and then boom!, the volcano exploded, lava flowing in every corner, wow! that was great! almost real but it was  just another trick you can get by passing the adventure land in Hongkong Disneyland. Another one of a kind experience added to my list. ;)


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