Tuesday, February 19, 2013

... a place of a burning love, The Ruins .. ;)

        After experiencing the beauty of Masskara festival, lets now enjoy the beauty of Bacolod City. We went to some historic spots and one that made a really good impression is the famous "the ruins". This is actually a mansion owned by the Lacson family. Let me tell you a brief history about this mansion that was built because of love. Mariano Lacson built this mansion in memory of his wife, Maria who died pregnant with his 11th child because of an accident. During the World War II, USAFFE (United States Armed Forces in the Far East) instructed the guirella to burn down all the  structures that are being used by the Japanese as headquarters including this mansion. The fire lasted for 3 days but leaving the lovers two initials in each post of the mansion, M and M. Now, this serves us the proof of the unending love of Mariano and Maria. 

.. front view of the mansion ...


...view of the entire mansion ..

        A place of a burning love is what i call it. Tourist came here not just to have their pictures taken but also to know the love story behind this wonderful mansion. A mansion that was build because of sadness and love. 

... entrance ..

,.. whats inside the mansion ...

..the famous staircase ...

... ride side of the mansion..

.. mini golf course...

.. the garden ..

... the fountain right at the middle...

...the beautiful mansion ..

         People said that the view during night time is far more different during daytime because of the sunset. I haven't witness this since i went there around 9 am in the morning. But i hope someday, when i go back ill be able to see and experience how wonderful  the mansion during sunset and feel the love that this mansion could  offer. ;)


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