Monday, February 11, 2013

... the Rodent world in Subic! ..

      After meeting the tigers, its now time to meet the rodents.. yes, rodents! rats! my not so favorite animal in the world and i guess most of you doesn't like this animal either. But since we are already there, we might as well check the place. Nothing much, all you can see are rats, different species of rats actually, well, rats have different species if you want to know.

        Went straight ahead and found this fury black animal hanging on a rope attached to a tree. I wonder what kind of animal is that, then someone said its a bearcat. Its kind a cute to look at but a little bit scary because they make this scary sound every time someone comes closer to them. Then we found other animals too, like camels, deer, and many more.

        Next thing we saw is the bird sanctuary, this time all you could see are the different kinds of birds. They make this beautiful sound as if they were all singing. The love birds were flying freely everywhere. I took some bird food, placed myself in the middle, spread my palm and those birds started to flocked around me and eating everything. Very nice experience indeed.. 

to be continued ...


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