Tuesday, February 12, 2013

the real ZOOBIC adventure!

           As i was about to finish my adventure here in Zoobic Safari, a small bus is waiting for me just outside the hall. The bus brought us to this area where another bus is waiting, that looks like a cage. Made myself comfortable inside and then the bus started moving, climbing that small mountain, passing the dusty road and we've reach a field with trees and grass growing everywhere. Then i saw a tiger  walking like they own the world, i turned to the left another tiger spotted. So this is the tigers place, their territory. Then out of nowhere, the bus stopped and i thought 'why are we stopping?' Then a man from the bus (caretaker) opened the small window at the side then placed a dead chicken. Then here we go, tigers started walking towards us, shaking the bus and some were climbing on top. Everyone started screaming like a child, some of us were  enjoying it but definitely most of us were scared. Few seconds later the tiger went away  biting the dead chicken  with his sharp teeth, well, its all about the chicken, not us! hahahaha.. The bus started to move again, and everyone now was just laughing, never thought that what happened would really happen to us.

         Enough with the tiger encounter, lets relax for a while and i guess the best way to do it is by shopping on their own souvenir shop. Well, everything inside are animal figures, key chain that looks like a tiger, mugs and shirts printed with birds, and cute stuff toys like bearcat, camel, tigers , monkeys, etc. Since i cant afford to buy those stuff, i just settled for a simple small key chain for my souvenir and of course a picture of myself with those stuff. hehehehhe..

         While exploring the rest of the place, another bus came , this time its a bigger bus. So, what do we do if a bus arrives? we go up and look for a seat. Another unplanned trip offered to us by the safari. We are now entering this huge cage, then we found some ostrich running everywhere, so we are again in their territory. Feels like we are in Africa, animals just running everywhere.

          Then we continued our adventure towards this swampy area. A large signage welcomed us saying 'welcome to crocodile farm'.  Another scary creature! We have to passed this man-made pathway above that man-made lake ( ya, its all man made, except for the crocodiles .. hahaha). I looked down and found those rough skinned creatures swimming and crawling everywhere. 

 to be continued... 


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