Saturday, February 23, 2013

... Sira-an hotspring + one active volcano! ...

          My mom and I were invited to visit one province in the northern part of Iloilo. Since we love visiting new places , we decided to go. Two hours from Iloilo City, we are now headed to Antique and see some beautiful places. First on the list is the Sira-an hot spring, we stayed their for a night and had wonderful time exploring what they've in stored for us. Beautiful view, fresh air, and very peaceful resort indeed. They have this beautiful beach where you could go swimming but if you don't feel like doing it you could sit in front of the beach and just enjoy the view, listen to the sound of the waves, and feel the fresh air like what my mom did during our visit. They also have swimming pool and hot spring which you could enjoy. And one more thing that makes this resort different is they have an active volcano, yes! a very small active volcano! Caretakers of the resort said that despite its size and location, the government considered it as an active volcano and sometimes they would feel a low intensity earthquake. Quiet scary to hear those things yet i was so amazed to see a volcano right in front of me.. hahahaha.. 

... the beach front ..

... nice view indeed ..

... the active volcano that i was talking about ...
 the area where the Virgin Mary is placed is the the top part of the volcano
unless you know the story, who would ever think that this is an active volcano, amazing right?


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