Sunday, February 24, 2013

drink 'til we drop.. Boracay island!

               The best way to enjoy Boracay is to be with your friends and probably your special someone too. Yes, its nice to be with your family in this beautiful island but if you want to enjoy Boracay until you drop then i suggest go there with your friends, your hubby, your partner or your special someone! ;) I've been there several times with my family but i never thought Boracay would be that fun and enjoyable until i went back there with my friends. Not the best vacation i've ever had but definitely the most memorable one. 

              We took a five hour drive to that famous beach and arrived around eight in the morning. We ate our breakfast and we started our most awaited vacation. Excited! Changed into our beach attire and started to enjoy every bit of our time. Under the striking sun we went walking, took pictures, looked for hot guys, had our self tattooed (fake one), ate ice cream, and took a dip in that clear water beach until we get tired. And who would ever missed that beautiful sunset? Waited for that beautiful moment for our cameras to capture.   

... under the heat of the sun ...

... dragon boat competition ...

... our fake tattoo.. 

... the white sand beach ...

.. famous sunset of Boracay ...

              We had our dinner reservation to this very nice bar (i had it reserved 2 weeks before, hahaha). Luckily, that same night some of the famous bands and singers from Manila like Wolfgang, Gloc 9, Chicosci, Parokya ni Edgar and more will be performing live.  Plus some famous celebrities like Iya villania, nikki gil and luis manzano will be there also.  We were given table right in front, just next to the VIP people, very nice.. ahahhaha.. I cant actually tell you what really happened but one thing is for sure, we  had the best time of our lives, no need to elaborate on that, you all know what happened, right? 

... our dinner ...

... bands, bands, bands...

... famous Filipino celebrities...


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