Sunday, February 10, 2013

...adorable tarsiers .. ;P

        All my bags are packed and i'm ready to go... a night in a Cokaliong vessel then off for a fairy ride to the beautiful province of Bohol.

         First stop Loboc River. While sailing the river, a sumptuous lunch was served while enjoying the beautiful clear river and green forest plus a pretty good singers that serenades us with their OPM songs. 

         Now off  to the land of the famous Tarsiers, a small monkey like creatures where Bohol is famous of, such a little animal with big eyes, so adorable but touching them were off limits. They are such a sensitive creatures especially to bright lights (off limits to camera flashes). I have  a picture taken with them as my souvenir. I can never find this kind of animal back in Iloilo, so one click with my own camera is all i needed and i'm done, another picture saved.

to be continued... 


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