Tuesday, January 22, 2013

island of CEBU city .. ;)

         I was 9 years old when I set my foot in the beautiful island of Cebu, of course, I’m excited again, my first ever, should I say “ship ride”? It’s a bigger boat compared to the “pumpboat” going to Guimaras.. hahahaha… Anyway, it was my 5 days vacation during that summer. We went to Basilica Church, some museums, and schools (my mom is a teacher so going to some schools is part of the itinerary.. and I’m not enjoying!). After my mom finished her so called work related stuff, we went to Taoist Temple. I wonder what’s that place, I assume it’s a temple from its name of course but got nothing more than that. We rode on a bus and few minutes later we stopped, I went down and found a very high stairs. Well, another surprise I guess, so I ran as fast as I can to reach the top leaving my mom behind… ;) Reaching the top panting, I saw that beautiful temple; all I could say is WOW! Beautiful place on top of a mountain, the structures are one of a kind, painted with gold, silver, red, and other bright colors. They have this wishing area where you could make a wish, since I was a child my mom didn't allow me to do so  instead she made a wish for me.. ;)
With that magnificent view, I took my mom’s camera and took pictures of every angle that I could think of, one more click and boom!, we've already used 36 shots for our camera (we don’t have digital camera that time)… no more pictures, only memories of that beautiful Chinese temple.

            Heading back home is a challenged, we had to go back to Iloilo by land, and it’s kind of time consuming but I have no choice. Indeed, I enjoyed that trip, and I’m looking forward for my next destination.. ;)

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