Wednesday, January 23, 2013

my first ride of my life!

      I consider every trip as a new experience which I can discover and learn new things. I was so damned excited to have my first ever airplane ride. Since I was a child I've been wondering what it feels like to ride an airplane and I've been wishing and hoping for that day to come and now is the fulfillment of that dream. I brought with me a bubble gum just in case something will happen and the urge to throw up will come, chewing gum is my so called savior. I look for my assigned seat, made myself comfortable and buckled my seat belt  Smiling outside but so scared inside, my heart is pounding so hard that I could hear it beating. Then, I heard someone saying, “prepare for takeoff”, OMG! This is it! This is really it! Holding the arm chair so tight, chewing the gum so fast, the plane went up and wooooohh! That was great! I looked onto my right and wow, clouds that really looks like a giant cotton candy as I described back then, feels like I’m in a fantasy land.  Indeed, I survived that first ride of my life!


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