Tuesday, January 22, 2013

first ever vacation!

        Back when I was 8 years old, one day my mom went home from work and told me that we will be leaving in a few days for a vacation, a 2 days vacation where it all began. She told me to packed my things so we can go for my first ever vacation, in the beautiful island of Guimaras. I can still recall how happy and excited I am that day.

       As I step on a boat for the very first time (as I can remember), all I can think of is how that beautiful beach looks like, the sand, the water, the waves and everything around it.  All set and the boat started sailing, and I’m there enjoying the beautiful mountains and clear water, feeling the wind as it blows into my face.  One hour boat ride seems like a blink of an aye and I’m there, finally!

       Touchdown! My first ever white sand beach, Raymens Beach Resort, I did what a child is supposed to do, run towards the hotel room where we will be staying, change into my swim wear, took my “salbabida” and goggles and went directly to the beach. Swimming and playing with sand is where I’m good at, a typical child I would say.

       That was my first ever vacation, so short yet so fun. And as I bid goodbye, I started to think with my little brain what other places would look like. Is it exactly what my teacher has told us? Is it exactly what I saw in the pictures of my textbooks? Or it is better? I just smiled and left that island with unanswered question.. Someday, I will know.. ;)

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