Wednesday, March 6, 2013

... Sto. Nino Beach Resort, Guimaras Island .. ;)

        For this summer, we decided to visit one particular beach resort in Guimaras called Sto. Nino Beach. A 30 minute ferry ride to Guimaras port, then an hour jeepney ride to Nueva Valencia. We have to ride a small boat for another 20 minutes and passed through the mangroves in order to reach the said resort. 

        After a long travel, we've finally reached the island, white sand, clear water and fresh air, free from all the hassles in the city. There are few tourist around maybe because the resort just opened few weeks ago or maybe because of the location. 

         We went to their rooms and they are not air conditioned,  the owner said that they don't have air conditioned room since the place is cold enough and they don't have electricity yet (they just used generator). Then i took my phone to send some messages to my friends back home.. opps! . no signal?? not even one bar?? pretty awesome,. i guess i don't need my cellphone anymore.. grrr... Well, i'm here for a vacation, i presume i don't need any distractions from the city, right? ;) I started exploring the island, went up hill, took a dip in cold clear water, played with sand (just like a kid), and just enjoying every minute of my time to this beautiful resort (not as beautiful as Boracay of course). The food were served to us and it was delicious, they have also a bar which you could order some drinks and just hang out over viewing the beach.


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