Monday, March 4, 2013

... Star city, Manila ... ;D

          Star City is one famous destination for children and teenagers who wants to enjoy playing games and riding scary rides. Before we bought our tickets and going inside, of course, we have to take pictures as souvenirs (this is one thing that we will never forget doing). The place is like a theme park right in the middle of the city.  They offer fun games depending on kids age and they have also some scary rides such as Wild river, Star Flyer. etc. for the guest to enjoy.

          And who could ever miss the Snow world? Not me! We went inside wearing jackets provided at the entrance and we were told that we are not allowed to take pictures inside except for their own official photographer. They gave us also plastic to put our cellphones and cameras to avoid exposure to cold that might cause permanent damage because of the temperature inside which is -15 degrees Celsius. When you get inside, you will really get to experience the feeling of being in a country that snows, very nice. 

... outside Snow World ...

... the only picture we had inside ... 


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