Friday, March 8, 2013

"Macau ng Pilipinas"... Calle Crisologo in Vigan.. ;D

        Now we're off to the famous  Calle Crisologo were all the old houses are being preserved and the number one tourist destination in Vigan. We took a tricycle ride from Baluarte going to Calle Crisologo. This place is famous for their cobblestone streets with the unique architecture of the different houses that was preserved by their government. Tourist come here to have their picture taken, to buy souvenirs, and to see this beautiful place, "Macau ng Pilipinas" as what i called it. mom enjoying the place while eating... ;D

        This place looks different during night but i never got the chance to see it since i have to catch the three o'clock bus ride back to Laoag City.

... to be continued..


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